Thursday 31 December 2015

ELSA, ANNA and their kids Elsya and Anya celebrating the New Year by organizing an amazing PARTY! Who else is invited at the New Year's Party ? Kristoff, Ariel, Rapunzel,Eugene, Cinderella and prince Charming! Rapunzel's daughter, Ariel's daughter, Cinderella's daughter. Kids are playing, everybody is having fun, they are eating and dancing! Also, somebody falls on the dining table and food gets knocked down everywhere ! Watch the video and see what happened !
Enjoy! Watch it here:



Tuesday 29 December 2015

DECORATING the Gingerbread house ! ELSA, ANNA and their kids, Elsya and Anya (fictive characters) are now DECORATING the Gingerbread house they had built in the previous video.
Elsa and Anna's toddlers are so happy to decorate this colorful, beautiful Gingerbread house.  The kids love to DECORATE the Gingerbread house using a big variety of candies: peppermints, hard candies, jelly beans, gumballs, gumdrops and sprinkles! Yummy! Sweet!
Elsa and Anna get messy with frosting and lick the royal icing!
Enjoy it! Watch the video here:


click HERE  for PART 1 ( Making the gingerbread house)



MAKING  a GINGERBREAD house ! At Christmas time, ELSA and ANNA and their kids, Elysa and Anya (fictive characters) love to make a GINGERBREAD house. 
This year, Anna and Elsa surprise their kids with a BIG colorful, sparkling, Gingerbread house! Yummy! Sweet! The kids really like to build the gingerbread walls, the roof and to get messy with the royal icing! Watch Elsya and Anya being excited and jumping on the frosting bag! They also make gingerbread cookies like Christmas tree and snowman!
Enjoy it! watch it here:



Thursday 24 December 2015

New ! GIFTS time !! ELSA, ANNA and their kids Elsya and Anya  (fictive characters) are OPENING their CHRISTMAS presents that Santa brought them. They are excited and eager to see what cool toys are inside their gift boxes. Watch Elsya and Anya as they unwrap the gifts one by one and see what they got! Enjoy it!
Watch it here:


New! It's CHRISTMAS time! ELSA and ANNA's kids, Anya and Elsya, are excited for SANTA CLAUS to come and bring them their favorite gifts! After kids fall asleep,  Santa comes along and brings them something special ! Next morning, when Elsya wants to open her first present, she can't find it !! Who stole Elsya's gift ? Will she find out ?  Find out by watching the video... Enjoy it !
Watch it here:



Thursday 17 December 2015

New! CHRISTMAS Tree decorating!
ELSA, ANNA and their kids, ELSYA and ANYA have fun decorating a Beautiful CHRISTMAS Tree with various Christmas decorations, colorful shiny globes and stars!  Anya almost breaks everything! Watch the movie and see why..
Click the link below and watch the movie: Enjoy !